Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bite Size Apple Pies
I've been a little lax on my posting lately, I can't seem to get back on my old schedule and when I want to write about something I forget what I want to write about immediately. Pretty soon I'm going to turn into the lady I met at Goodwill yesterday- buying memo boards to keep all of my notes to myself in one place. Just, without the purple lipstick. And hopefully without the velour jumpsuit.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Chocolate Creme Brulee
There are many occasions in life where we just have to sit back and say, "you know what, it's okay to put chocolate in that". Someone has to do it. The friends of the person who invented chocolate milk probably said that it was ridiculous, but that person (who I'm going to affectionately name, Mr. Chocolateberg) did it anyway and now more people want the brown stuff than the white.
That figure is from my own data sampling.
From a sample of me.
This is something I was thinking about when I was hunting around for a chocolate creme brulee recipe. It had to exist, it was just taking me a few days to find the right one. I really liked Paula Deen's recipe at first, but then I saw you needed 50708 eggs and a glass of chocolate liquor. I liked the one from the reliable until I noticed you needed to practically grow your own cocoa beans (thanks Hershey tour) to make the creme brulee - not to mention the baking time was an average of 16+ hours and a promise to never leave the kitchen. I had pretty much given up on the whole search, the creme brulee, my baking future, my education, my future children...everything. I was pretty frustrated.
But then I found Celiac, and I can officially say that not only did I find an amazing chocolate creme brulee recipe but it's gluten free. Did you hear that Kelly Clayton?! Gluten free! I did it!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Easter, Chocolate Bunnies & Cake
There are a lot of things happening in the next few weeks make life on this blog difficult. Starting school again today, finishing our taxes, moving to an entirely different part of PA (not like our 3 minute move from Manayunk to East Falls) and Easter. Easter's been at the bottom of my list these past few days, but I can't deny how much I actually enjoy the holiday. Besides the fact that it's always fallen right around my birthday, it's got some of the best looking candy filling up two aisles at Rite Aid. Two aisles!
I think I love Easter because when I was little I used to occasionally bring home chocolate easter bunnies from winning drawing contests or guessing the right amount of jellybeans or something. I remember that they were always deceivingly hollow. When I'd bring them home, Allyson and I would size them up to see if we could open the box and eat a part of it before my parents got home. It never really worked, but when we were allowed to open it up I remember you could almost see a puff of smoke come out of the rabbit's head when you yanked an ear off. Like in Christmas Vacation when the turkey is too cooked and just explodes completely hollow, these rabbits looked like they were five solid pounds of chocolate but they were just a thin shell of a bunny. So disappointing.
Every year I just slink through the aisles looking at it. Marshmellow covered everything. This year I saw orange bunny peeps (I was shocked too). Chocolate in the shape of eggs, eggs made of creme, and carrots filled with reeses pieces. You could get a cavity just looking at all of the sugar, it's amazing.