Thursday, January 26, 2012
Lofthouse Style Sugar Cookies
With the most super of bowls fast approaching, I've been trying to think of a way to weave a few different recipes into the same post. You can obviously just list them, but that's not clever. I want to be like the Lonely Planet guide to your super bowl refreshments. The Frommers of your food spread, if you will. This weeks post is going to be a short one in anticipation of next weeks. But although it may be short, it's still worth reading because it contains a knock off recipe for those super soft, usually pink-iced cookies that are always near the cash register at the grocery store.
You know those cookies I'm talking about. You can slave over the oven all day making homemade cookies and the moment someone walks in with those soft, pink cookies everyone can only talk about how soft they are. Because how could someone make a cookie that soft?! It's not a pillow.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Breaking the Rules with Pizza Rolls
When you start putting yourself out there (to the 12 people masses) and you become a part of the ever changing machine that is the internet, it's good to have a set of bylaws that you can lean against when the times get tough.
Like if someone came up to me and said "Hey I noticed that your recipes might not be diabetic friendly" I could say "Can it Paula Deen! Check those bylaws before you wreck yourself."
Or if someone said "Hey, I noticed a serious lack of vegetable based recipes on your blog" I could say "I don't believe in vegetables, check the bylaws."
I also envision someone maybe emailing me and saying "Hey, I totally agree with your thoughts on those cookies and I really love the way you weave sarcasm into the kitchen" In that case I would print the email, frame it and just die from it's greatness.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Attack of the Girl Scouts: Knock off Caramel De-Lites
I’ve been slowly writing this blog entry in my head all week. It’s one of those occasions where you know exactly what you want to say, like when you’re rehearsing an upcoming argument you’re about to have in your head. In that situation, you are going to sound like the smartest person who ever lived. Really, you’re going to say that? Because I’ll say THAT and make it seem so off the cuff that you will literally be blown back in surprise.
That never happens.
Every time I rehearse some kind of conversation I’m about to have, all the words I’ve been storing in my head just come tumbling out of my mouth all at once. Oh you said that?? How about…about..this! That’s not a good comeback. That’s not even a good response. What happened to all that training? What a waste of preparation.
Anyway, I’ve been writing this in my head all week because I’m about to take a pretty bold stance against the Girl Scouts.
That’s right. I think you all know exactly where this is going.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Easy Crème Brulee
Ahhh, a new year. A new you? Why change, I like you the way you are.
I hope you all had a festive holiday season! Mine was amazing. I got to spend a whole week at home with my family (a week!) and got to eat as much sugar as I could stand. It was glorious. Plus, this year for Christmas Santa brought me a torch!
Yeah, a torch.