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Snickers Cupcakes

Easily one of the best cupcake recipes I've come across, these chocolate cupcakes have middles that are filled with bits of snickers covered in homemade caramel sauce. What, did your teeth just tell you to stay away from these? You may want to make a dentist appointment after eating them, but they're amazing and will charm the pants off of your everyone at your party when you bring them out!

Chocolate Dump Cake

It may not have the prettiest title, but this chocolate cake is so easy that you'll actually volunteer to bring it to family functions. No kidding! With a shockingly low amount of ingredients, this chocolate cake spans seasons. Need a quick dessert for dinner? Dump cake. Need to bring a cake into work when you don't care enough to bake something for people you don't even like? Dump cake.

Red Velvet Cupcakes + Cream Cheese Icing

You only turn 26 once, and when you do you should celebrate with Red Velvet! These cupcakes come with a long line of recommendations and will not disappoint. Scouts honor.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Potato Chip Cookies

I was reading a blog on the Philly Post today about Whole Foods, and how the author was never particularly excited to walk into the store and shell out large amounts of money for organic cheese and soy milk. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, mostly because I have the same aversion towards the chain and whenever I can meet another person like me it gives me a false sense of security. It's not me. It's the aisles of wheat grass and ground chia seeds. Okay, I know I'm irrational. I don't go to Shop Rite because I think the parking lot is too small, but I know that walking through Whole Foods makes me hate myself.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Belated Valentines Day Rice Krispie Pops!

It's been quite some time since my Super Bowl post, I do apologize. I'd like to think that I was in some sort of food coma due to the loaded baked potato dip, or that I was just too distraught over the Giants win to carry on, but unfortunately the real reason is not that glamorous. Well it's a little glamorous - we did watch almost the full 5th season of The Wire in one week. I also caught whatever sinus or face infection that the whole world seems to have, so I've been a little out of it lately.

Before I came down with consumption I made these excellent rice krispie treat pops that were dipped in chocolate. Unlike my last foray into rice krispie pops, these were actually a success. I mean, a real success. I only got about 16 out of the batch, but they actually stayed on the stick, tasted delicious in the chocolate and were enjoyed by strangers! This photo to my left is proof, real proof. I didn't pay these people anything!

I found the initial idea for these pops on Pinterest, but the real recipe was a few layers in. Like rice krispie inception I finally found these on a blog called Korean American Mommy. If you know me, you know I fall squarely in this blog's demographic.

I mean hell, I am American.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Bowl Breakdown

As I mentioned in last week's post, this post is going to veer off in another weird direction. Nothing too weird and uncomfortable, just another post that doesn't necessarily only involve desserts. I know, I'm going to give you a minute to get it out of your system. Don't worry, it took me a minute.

The reason for all the veering is the big game. The big dance. The superest of bowls, and the best excuse you'll have until next Christmas to eat with reckless abandon. My family was never huge fans of football, but we always got together to watch the super bowl. Most of the time it started off with some kind of civilized meal; some angel hair pasta if we were at my aunt and uncle's. But as soon as the plates hit the dishwasher it was junk food o'clock. I'm talking foods that are best left to fingers, desserts that had the words "muddy" and "addicting" right in the title. My aunt (who I've mentioned before here) has always been a whiz at producing desserts that everyone wants to inhale, so this was her super bowl. I also remember a time when my Gramma let my sister and I run wild in her kitchen, which resulted in a cake that sort of resembled a football field but looked more like a green monster with the words bronco written in M&M's melting off one end. I know there's a picture of it somewhere..

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yeah I'd Bake That is on Twitter!

What is this? A post that's not about food?


Yeah, I'd Bake That is now on Twitter!  Follow me as I break everything down into 140 characters, and laugh with me as I realize that maybe all my posts on here should follow suit.

It's super easy, just go to: www.twitter.com/yeahidbakethat. Follow me, and I'll follow you back. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship where we only speak to each other using the internet.

Hey, I'm not asking for much here. I'll see you on the interwebs!