It has been over a month since my last post. It has also been over a month since I've written anything that doesn't have to do with british literature, unions, english teaching methods or the representation of women in medieval text. I've been up at the crack of dawn to observe ninth graders falling asleep in class, I've waited around the house so chatty refrigerator repair men can make my freezer work again, and I've dodged awkward conversations with my new neighbors at an average of 2 times per day. Since moving to Emmaus life has been ridiculously busy and filled to the brim with school work. If people don't call me Danielle Malone, Master or Master Danielle Malone by the end of this graduate degree -- it's not going to be worth it. I'm going to start making business cards now.
That all being said, it's been tough to get on here to update you all with new recipes. I've been bookmarking and pinning recipes out the proverbial ying yang, but in between recipes for strawberries filled with cheesecake sits websites about the use of word walls in the classroom. I do have a fail-proof recipe for you tonight, something you'll eventually be able to share with your grandkids. It's a win win for everyone.
And you make them like this:
Wine is optional? |
I know, I know. But I have no time to put a proper blog together tonight. All jokes aside, these brownies are the best box kind out there. The Fudge ones are key - anything else just pales in comparison. I've had the fancy Ghiradelli brownies, but I've got a soft spot for the Crocker.
So stay tuned for future posts because I promise you that I'll eventually get my act together. In the mean time, check out
YIBT on Pinterest -- on my dessert board I have over 100 amazing dessert recipes you can flip through. If you're one of those people that has been refusing to join and need an invite, send me an email through my contact section and I'll hook you up.
The lessons we learned tonight?
1. Danielle Malone, Master sounds way cooler than Danielle Malone, Bachelor.
2. Betty Crocker Fudge brownies are the best a man can get.
Pinterest is an amazing place to waste a few hours, so waste it with my pins!
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